MRISAR's Interactive Light Controlled Sound Spectrum Exhibit
Directions: Slowly bring your hand down over a black disk. When you get close to it, it will trigger lights and sounds. Each black disk triggers a different tone or when triggered in combination they will produce much deeper tones. This also triggers changes in the light spectrum of the central acrylic column.
How it works! The device in the center of each black disk is a photo-resistor. It is connected to a circuit which turns on a light and an oscillator which produces a sound. The photo-resistors are coated with light sensitive chemicals that conduct more electricity when exposed to light and less electricity when denied light. They are used in automatic light controls, parts counters, light probes for the blind, and many other devices. We originally designed and fabricated a version of this exhibit for museums in 1993. It is an exciting educational exhibit that delights both young and old. It is of moderate weight for portability, easy to use and extremely durable. The five-sided design makes it adaptable to fill inner floor spaces and to work with both single users and groups. This sculptural exhibit demonstrates sound synthesis, sensors and light control, alternative energy, sensory inputs, reactionary effects in electronic systems, timing and randomizing theory, visual and wave length specific electromagnetic emissions, photons, sound synthesis, frequency and amplitude, and acoustics. Size is 36" diameter x 36" high. This exhibit is also for rent. Contact us for price and availability! |
Terms: 7-year warranty against defects in our workmanship; Free Life-time phone/internet technical support; Life-time parts supply sourcing for our exhibits at reasonable prices. Contact us for price information.
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