A few examples of who has awarded, published and/or presented MRISAR's Philanthropic R&D.
MRISAR was the only company in the world to be awarded an entire chapter regarding their robotics work in the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) “World Robotics; Service Robotics, 2011”.
An Awarded Winner; in the 2004 NASA - Emhart Technologies, "Create the Future" contest. NASA Tech Briefs magazine and Emhart Technologies, a global leader in the design and creation of assembly technologies, sponsored the event. The submission; an Advanced Bandage that, (1) serves as a substitute for stitches, (2) eliminates skin damage from I.V. adhesive and regular bandages, and (3) provides emergency closure of wounds, was in the area of medical products. It was judged by a panel of the world’s finest engineers and industrialists for scientific functionality, product necessity and practical marketability. Cybernetics and Robotics; published by and presented before the IEEE RO-MAN 2003; International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, October 31 - November 2, 2003, Millbrae, CA, USA, http://ro-man.org. Sponsored by: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Robotics Society of Japan, Hosei University, Hosei University Research Institute, California, New Technology Foundation. Technical Sponsors: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Virtual Reality Society of Japan. With Additional Support from Faculty and Staff of: Stanford University, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Immersion Corporation, Intuitive Surgical Inc. Cybernetics and Robotics; published by and demonstrated before Cambridge University's international conference on adaptive technologies, "CWUAAT", (Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology) in March of 2002. ICORR 99; International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics: their project was 1 of the 5 Rehabilitation Robotic Prototypes to be chosen World Wide to be demonstrated before "(ICORR)" at Stanford University, California. Their work was published by Stanford University, as part of the proceedings. Their 1990's circa, original innovative research & development in "Facial Feature Controlled Technology" and "Artificial Sense of Touch Technology", (Adaptive Technology prototypes for the disabled), has helped pioneer those fields! Cybernetics and Robotics; chosen in 2000 by the International "Discover Awards For Innovation" to receive an Award for ranking in the top ten of their category. This also earned them an invitation to demonstrate their prototype at the "Technology Exp 2000" at EPCOT Center, in Disney World. Cybernetics and Robotics; A Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation Semi-Finalist: their research & development project "Feature Controlled All Terrain Robotic Wheelchair" was ranked as a semi-finalist for this award in April of 1999. Cybernetics and Robotics; featured in the "Who's Who in Science and Engineering; 8th Edition - 2005 - 2006", publication, by Marquis, LLC. Cybernetics and Robotics; recognized by the UN as a substantial contributor in the area of robotics and featured in the United Nations "World Robotics 2004" publication, by the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the IFR; International Federation of Robotics. Cybernetics and Robotics; MRISAR’s work has been published by Universities and Scientific Journals. It has been acknowledged in numerous newspapers and television segments. Their most resent project in Rehabilitation Robotics was hailed as "a medical miracle in the making", by NBC Television. ![]() Terms: 7-year warranty against defects in our workmanship; Free Life-time phone/internet technical support; Life-time parts supply sourcing for our exhibits at reasonable prices. Contact us for price information. Our Workmanship Quality! Our Terms and Warranty! Our Mission Statement! |