MRISAR's Interactive Tech Sculpture: Shimnemone
This exhibit is a Futuristic version of our Photonic Spectrum exhibit. The geometry of the exhibit accents an otherworldly appeal that will excite the visitor’s interest. The concept is to allow the viewer to interact with the art as they wave their hands over the outer ring of columns and the sculpture responds with sounds and illumination of the central acrylic crystalline columns. One or more people can operate this exhibit at a time. It can use solar energy via remote panels. It is 4' high.
It utilizes a series of photo resistors to control a sound synthesizer and LED arrays. The sound synthesizer consists of two oscillators which work in unison by resonating at specific intervals dependent on the signals from the sensors. The exhibit features acrylic inside of aluminum columns to house the sensors and LED lights that react to the presence of a user’s hands. Depending on the position of the user’s hands the exhibit can produce sounds ranging from high frequency down to a low rumbling bass. This sculptural exhibit demonstrates sound synthesis, sensors and light control, alternative energy, sensory inputs, reactionary effects in electronic systems, timing and randomizing theory, visual and wave length specific electromagnetic emissions, photons, sound synthesis, frequency and amplitude, and acoustics. This exhibit is only for rent! It is part of a large Traveling Tech Art Exhibition we are creating! Original Tech Art Sculpture designed by awarded, published and exhibited; Artist, Poet, Photographer, Engineer and MRISAR R&D Team member Victoria Lee Croasdell Siegel.
Terms: 7-year warranty against defects in our workmanship; Free Life-time phone/internet technical support; Life-time parts supply sourcing for our exhibits at reasonable prices. Contact us for price information. Our Workmanship Quality! Our Terms and Warranty! Our Mission Statement! |